

The Real Birth Studio recommends that hypnobirthing is used as a complimentry practice, and can be used alongside the Real Birth Complete Programme.

Understanding the physiology of birth is very important. Hypnobirthing supports this by promoting relaxation and confidence during labour and birth.

Through four Hypnobirthing sessions we look into the powerful use of language and words and how they can become tools for us to use in a positive way. Understanding how this affects the mind and body and in turn, can affect labour and birth. You will learn different breathing techniques alongside practicing deep relaxations during the classes and learn how the practice of Hypnobirthing can help towards having a calm, and positive birthing experience.


Hypnobirthing can help you manage the stress hormone adrenalin, which can reduce anxiety, which should then support you in having a calmer birth experience. Also, during your labour, a chemical called oxytocin is produced, which supports your labour to carry on. Stress hormones affect the production of oxytocin and make your labour longer. However, adrenalin also has a positive role in childbirth, and this is also important to learn about. In some cases, hypnobirthing has also been shown to make your labour shorter.

It helps you to work with your body to teach you deep levels of relaxation that you may not be used to doing in every day life. This helps to release positive chemicals into your body that help you relax. It helps to reframe your mindset about childbirth and because it is working with your subconscious during taught sessions, can help you feel positively about your birth and the choices you would like to make.

It is also really helpful postnatally, as it helps you with transition into parenthood. If you experience times of stress, you can use the techniques to become calmer and relaxed.


We will teach you visualisation techniques too. Visualisations are used to help you imagine the birth of your baby and what you want to happen during your birth. It could be something specific to you or images that we help you to visualise. Some examples are, you could picture what it will feel like to hold your baby skin to skin after they’ve been born or imagine yourself in a pool or birthing room during labour. These visualisations can help you to rehearse your birth.

When you sign up to this programme you will be given a Hypnobirthing book, have access to handouts and MP3 audio downloads to support your practice at home.

See stories from families that used our Hypnotherapy classes.

The Hypnobirthing Refresher is One to One (and your partner).

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