Meet the Hereford Team


With 17 years of midwifery experience I am so passionate about supporting people through their pregnancy and have always loved teaching antenatal classes. I am also the founder of the Real Birth Programme and train midwives, doulas and antenatal teachers all over the World in this programme. I have lectured in universities and worked with student midwives, trained in birth trauma resolution therapy and am an active advocate for hypnobirthing.

The Real Birth Studio was created to create a safe place that where you can feel comfortable. For you to come to for support in pregnancy and after birth. We are here to offer support and guidance in these very special months and weeks leading up to the birth of your baby.

Being a mum of three I can remember clearly, especially with my first baby, the feelings and thoughts I had around giving birth. I understand that everyone has their own thoughts and ideas on giving birth and we want to support your choices without judgement. Alongside running the Real Birth Studio and training other health professionals, I offer antenatal classes to suit all needs, from group sessions to one to one.

​At the studio it is our goal is to help you have a positive pregnancy and birth experience. To give you tools for pregnancy and labour that do work and to help you feel more confident in achieving the pregnancy and birth you’d like.


I began working as a Breastfeeding Support Worker 17 years ago when I was employed through the NHS as part of a project to increase rates of breastfeeding in areas where it was particularly low. I qualified as a Lactation Consultant shortly afterward and find my work incredibly rewarding as it is such a privilege to work with families at this point in their lives.

Since meeting Zoe and becoming part of the team at The Real Birth Studio, I have further developed my work and now teach Hypnobirthing and our 6 week course The Complete Real Birth Programme. I also run our Breastfeeding Support Group twice a week and do home visits for personal 1-to-1 breastfeeding support.

Completing The Real Birth Teacher training has expanded my knowledge in the most amazing way and allows me to bring a whole new depth to all of my work. Professionally but also as a mum of two, I have always felt strongly about empowering women and families to make the right choices for them around their birth experiences and that is what we do here at the Real Birth Studio.

Class Practitioners


I am Stephanie and I am very pleased to be holding my Baby Massage Courses at The Real Birth Studio. My courses give you an opportunity to relax and bond with your baby whilst learning a full massage routine. there are many benefits to massaging your baby, it can help promote sleep and boost baby’s immune system and you will also learn strokes to help ease any colic, constipation, cough and cold symptoms.

As a mum of three, I understand you may feel nervous about attending a group with your baby, but you will find my sessions are very relaxed and the course can be tailored to your baby’s needs. Please feel free to contact me for more information about my courses. I look forward to hearing from you.


My name is Arwen and I am a yoga teacher, mother and Midwife. I have been practicing yoga for over 20 years and I have really noticed the difference in how yoga makes me feel both physically and mentally. It was this sense of calmness, strength and wellbeing that I wanted to share and led me to undertake my first 200 hour teacher training in 2023. then my perinatal training and I am now enrolled on my advanced teacher training.  

 My other real drive in life is my Midwifery career and in particular Public Health and antenatal class teaching which again I have been actively involved in for over 20 years now! 

General yoga teacher training and pregnancy and postnatal yoga training has given me the opportunity to combine my two great passions in a really amazing way. I hope to bring this empowerment to women and birthing people in the pregnancy and postnatal period. Practicing yoga in pregnancy not only strengthens the body, improves stamina and flexibility but also provides tools such as breathing techniques and mindfulness which are useful for birth and beyond. The small group settings will allow for tailored gentle, effective yoga sessions and will allow attendees to connect with not only themselves and their babies but with other mothers in a safe nurturing space.  

Outside of practicing yoga I have three incredible grown up daughters and I love dancing, the environment, reading and learning.