Wednesday evenings for 6 weeks covering these topics:
Week 1 – Beginning at the end
Week 2 – The main event
Week 3 – Practical Birthing Skills
Week 4 – The hormones
Week 5 – Breastfeeding
Week 6 – Care of your new-born and your postnatal family
Our courses are also run by a midwife and Lactation Consultant.
Click on the button below to pick a date for this class
Each set of classes starts with The Complete Real Birth Programme Week 1.
Have you asked any of these questions?
- What is an antenatal class? Can I exercise in pregnancy? What is a normal pregnancy weight gain?
- Is sex in pregnancy ok? What to pack for a hospital birth? How will I know if labour has started?
- What is labour? I really want to know more about planning to birth at home or a hospital birth?
- How do you breast feed a baby? Will my baby know how to breastfeed? What about bottle feeding?
- How do you bath a baby? Change a nappy? What is rooming in? How will I feel after birth?
- How will I feel as a new mum or new dad?
If you have, you are not on your own!
The Complete Real Birth Programme
The Complete Real Birth Programme forms 6 sessions that help you prepare for the birth of your baby and how to look after yourself and your new baby once they have been born. Our signature birth preparation and antenatal class will help you prepare for birth, parenthood and also help you to meet other parents-to-be in your area and build a support network. Our 6-week classes cover topics such as:
- Health and well-being during pregnancy
- What happens during labour and birth
- Birth management and working with your physiology and hormones
- How to care for your baby, including feeding, bathing, and sleeping
- Your emotions and feelings during pregnancy, birth, and after
- How to strengthen your relationship with your partner or birth support
To support your sessions, you will also gain access to a digital support tool, so that you can refresh your memory and create your birth plan that will help you consider all your options in all birth environments and situations.
12 hours of education and 9 hours of digital support and birth planning book.